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Free GreenCam pre-v1.0.0

GreenCam is a virtual green backdrop for OBS Studio. Yep! You are not crazy. It basically replaces every thing around you by green color. So that you can use the Chroma Key filter in OBS Studio to put yourself in any other video. GreenCam is powered by a machine learning technology called Tensorflow and its public model BodyPix.

I do a lot of live-streaming at home. There is a small living room, a lot of messy stuffs that needs to hide, not much spaces (and *budget) to set up a standard professional studio. I found there are some applications, like XSplit VCam or Chroma Cam, which removes/changes the background of your video, but I don't want to pay them since I can do exactly the same thing for FREE!!

Follow the instruction here to install.

Notice: It requires a graphic card to have a smooth camera output.
First release
Last update
4.50 star(s) 2 ratings

Latest updates

  1. pre-v1.0.0 - New features are comming

    A big shout out to @CCInc He added some new cool features: Now you get an editor to custom...
  2. v0.3.0 - Output HD resolution

    Output HD resolution 1280x720 Create mask of person with blurry edge
  3. v0.2.0 Supports Full HD Webcam

    Supports Full HD Webcam (1920x1080) Output video is still 640x360 to keep Greencam runs faster

Latest reviews

Works very well! Installs locally or via remote service
Works on Mac and PC ... you must download Node.js before ! and select the good camera to access with green screen !