This is a great start, but a bit unstable and unpredictable.
It is better than the Nvidia thingy!
>are you able to add option to track not a face, but specific colour?
>For example a surfer's colour shirt? or RC car colour?
I think what would be very cool would be to get a general object classification system into obs.
So anything in the feed would be tagged in a way that other plugins could use.
Object 111, Person A, T-Shirt, Bounding Box 123,123,255,255,...
Object 222, Person B, Head, Bounding Box 123,123,255,255,...
Person A's head -> Plugin B could use it to attach a text object showing brand of t-shirt
Person B's head -> Plugin C could use it to "fuzz it out" for anonymization
etc. etc.
I think demand for something like a Nvidia GPU is totally acceptable for something like this as well. Don't need to be CPU only.
I am not in this business for commercial reason, but just from personal interest, I would be happy to sponsor work here with some small amount of money. Anyone else? Is there a way to sponsor OBS plugins?