Composite Blur

Composite Blur 1.5.1

Thank you to a community member who found a bug in how default values were set. This release fixes a bug where hitting the "Defaults" button in the filter would break the pixelate filters until OBS was restarted.
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Release 1.5.0
Here is the second new feature release of the Composite Blur plugin. Huge thanks to the many, many people who have downloaded and used the plugin. I never imagined this project would have so many users. This release fixes a few small bugs, and adds a few great new features. Read below for more details.

New Features:
This release contains several new features- some additions to existing blur algorithms, and a completely new temporal blur.
  • Pixelate Blur: The pixelate blur algorithm has three new pixelate shapes.
    • Voronoi- Voronoi pixelation is an organic/random pixelating effect that gives a stained glass look. Due to its random nature, it can also be animated, with the plugin providing an "animate" checkbox and speed, as well as the ability to manually set a time, allowing for animation by other plugins like Move.
    • Rhomboid- This pixelation uses a pattern of rhombuses, and gives the look of minecraft blocks, or the game Q*bert.
    • Triakis- This pixelation uses the triakis pattern- a geometric arrangement of triangles which is the widely recognized pattern on the ball at Epcot at Disney World.
  • Gaussian Blur, vector blur type: The Gaussian blur algorithm has a new blur type- Vector Blur. Vector blur uses the direction and intensity of color change in an image to orient and scale the blur applied at a given pixel. This gives "fuzzy" or string like artifacts to the blur. The vector blur interface allows you to select any source to be used as your vector map, the amount of vector blur to apply, smoothing options, and what channel/color information you want used to calculate the vectors (e.g.- R, G, B, A channels, luminosity, and saturation). This blur type pairs nicely with the noise plugin to make organic and/or fuzzy textures.
  • Zoom Blur- radius of no influence: the zoom blur option for Gaussian and Box blur has a new option- a radius at the center of your zoom can be selected which will be unaffected by the blur algorithm. This allows for zoomed in blurring around something like a facecam, while allow the facecam itself to be sharp and in focus.
  • Dual Kawase, fractional blur sizes: Prior versions only allowed whole number steps for changing the amount of blur in the Dual Kawase algorithm. This version allows for fractional steps (e.g.- a blur radius of 6.3), which will allow for smoother animated changes in DK blur when using filters like Move Value.
  • Temporal Blur: An entire new blur algorithm has been introduced- temporal (time) blur. This blur algorithm blends subsequent frames together, to create a blur dependent on motion. It can be used to create fun real time effects, like that seen in the modern Flash movies, or the bullet dodging effects seen in the matrix. There are two sliders for this effect- blur amount, and a cleanup threshold. If you notice artifacts that do not disappear over time in your temporal blur, bump the cleanup threshold higher until they disappear.
Bug fixes:
  • A couple of small memory leaks were fixed, that would occur when switching the available source fields in the plugin from a source, to "None."
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Release 1.1.0​

I'm excited to announce the first new feature release of the Composite Blur Plugin! Thank you to everyone who has downloaded and used the plugin, shared the amazing things they've built with it, opened issues/bug reports for issues they've found, and shared ideas for new features. There are several new features in this release, as well as some (minor) breaking changes you'll want to be aware of, so make sure to keep reading!

Breaking Changes​

  1. Filter name in add-filter list is now always Composite Blur. Thus for installs that use a localization/translation file, the filter name will be different than it was in prior releases. This is to keep the documentation consistent with the user's first interaction with the plugin. Note: All localization/translations of fields within the plugin will remain in their native language as before.
  2. For sources that use a Background source for compositing, the source Blending Method should be switched to Default instead of SRGB Off, otherwise a light halo might appear around the blurred source.

New Features:​

  1. Pixelation Filter Improvements:
  • Pixelation origin can now be set by the user.
  • Pixelated texture can now be rotated.
  • Smoothing filter can optionally be applied to smooth out colors.
  1. Hotkeys can now be assigned to enable and disable composite blur filters that are added to sources.


  1. Rendering pipeline has been fixed to ensure that proper alpha blending and colors are output from the filter.
  2. Background compositing no longer requires source blending method to be set to SRGB Off.
  3. Several small memory leaks fixed.
I hope everyone is enjoying the Composite Blur plugin. This is a very minor update that adds the following:
  • Windows binaries and installer are now code signed.
  • Source lists are now sorted alphabetically.
As always, if you run into any problems/bugs, please open an issue over on the project GitHub issues page, so that I can continue making this plug-in better for everyone. Go forth and blur all the things!
A quick bugfix release, as a memory leak slipped through my testing on the last release, which could potentially crash OBS. This release:
  • Fixes a memory leak that occurred if you were to use the composite blur filter on a window or game source, where the window or game was no longer available, and you were using a source effect mask.
The bug was introduced in v1.0.4, so if you're running that version, please update. As always, if you find a bug, please either post it here, or open an issue on the project GitHub.
Y'all are doing a fantastic job of finding (thankfully) small bugs in the code. A big thank you to those who found bugs, and those who provided translations. This release fixes a small bug where blurs with zero size applied to a masked source would not redraw properly, causing trailing artifacts. It also includes translations for German and Finnish. As always, if you find a bug or issue in the plug-in, please post here, or better yet, open an issue on the project GitHub and I'll get it fixed ASAP. In this release:
  • Fixes a bug where masked sources would not redraw properly with a zero blur size.
  • Adds German language translations.
  • Adds Finnish language translations.
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Thanks to everyone who has downloaded and tried out the plug-in so far, and a big thank you to those who submitted bug reports for v1.0.2, those who helped with translations, added documentation and provided code. As always, if you run into any issues with the plugin, please post here or better yet, open an issue on the GitHub repo.

This release includes:
  • Adds Spanish translations.
  • Fixes a bug where sources with a scaling filter applied (e.g.- Scale/Aspect ratio filter) would not scale properly when used as an effect mask.
  • Fixes a bug where setting a value of zero for Kawase Blur size would cause the source to stop rendering.
  • When no blur is applied (i.e.- blur radius of 0 for Gaussian and Box, blur value of 0 or 1 for Dual Kawase, and pixel size of 1 for pixelate), a passthrough of the original texture is used to guarantee no residual blurring is applied to the source.
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I hope y'all are enjoying your blurrified video! Thank you to everyone who has tried out the plugin, and provided feedback. You all are helping to make this the *best* OBS blur plugin. This release fixes a couple bugs reported by users, so if you're experiencing either of these issues, be sure to download the update and give it a try. This release:
  • Fixes a bug where Gaussian blur would not work on Windows systems if the user had used the `--allow-opengl` flag, and was using OpenGL as their rendering method.
  • Fixes a bug where `Image Sources`, when used as an effect mask, were not passing through the output of any applied filters. E.g.- if an Image Source had a `Chroma Key` filter applied, the effect mask would not see the filtered image source's new alpha channel.
As always, please let me know if you are running into any problems with the filter by opening an issue on the project GitHub.
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A huge thank you to everyone who has downloaded the plugin, and provided feedback thus far. A couple of issues were discovered and fixed, so if you're seeing either of the following, download the new version and see if it resolves. As always, if you find an issue, please open an issue over on the project GitHub or post a message here. This release contains the following updates:
  • Fixes a banding visual artifact in the Gaussian Zoom blur effect.
  • Fixes an issue where a scaled source that was blurred and has an effect mask applied will not scale properly in the final output (and may show a nested repeating of the source).