Added sanitization to Windows filenames : the characters * " < > : | ? will be remplaced by an underscore. Fixed a potential crash on reloading script after adding it.
* " < > : | ?
Added counters, which increase every time a file is saved. Added tokens for the spelled out month and day name, $Month$ and $Day$, as well as for abbreviated month and day, $month$ and $day$. Fixed a minor error when from_file wasn't defined for newly created text sources
Added v$[file_text]$ as token for text sources, for when the source is set to read from file. Added v$username$ as token, standing for the user's username. Added the ability to add tokens for specific sources without procs. Limited the generated filename to 250 characters, so as to not overwrite the extension.
Added v$user$ as token, standing for the user's Home directory.