Question / Help Unknown Audio and Video Codec


New Member

cannot for the life of me figure out what's going on here, tried fresh installs of both versions in both 32 and 64bit modes, streams fine but twitch returns that when I check to see if it complies with the new rules.


Those "unknown" values are incorrect, you are using mp3 or aac as those are the only options for OBS. You can ignore that warning for now, until they fix their checker.
Came here to ask the same thing. From what I gather, Twitch will now prefer the use of CBR right? I've been using VBR this whole time. Should I start experimenting now for the possible forced change (for max compatibility? )


New Member
ThoNohT said:
Those "unknown" values are incorrect, you are using mp3 or aac as those are the only options for OBS. You can ignore that warning for now, until they fix their checker.

I also have this problem. However many streamers who do use OBS, don't. I don't quite understand how this is possible since we are using the same program. If this error message stays there until Sep 1st, we are kind of screwed.

Edit: I tweeted at them a few hours ago, no answer, yet.


Forum Admin
I was hearing from some people that it marked your codecs as unknown if your keyint was not already set to 2 seconds.