Question / Help My in-game fps jumps and it runs rough for league of legends


New Member
My in-game fps seems to jump from 60 to 45 then from 60 to 37 and so on. It does it on a constant basis and I don't know how to fix it so I can run the stream smoothly and run the game smoothly as well. Also when I play league on border less my cursor flickers on my screen but on the stream it doesn't.

My log:

My download speed is 30Mb/s and my upload is 4Mb/s.
Re: My in-game fps jumps and it runs rough for league of leg

Ok everything looks fine but you're recording the game in monitor capture. thats a big no-no. it causes terrible ingame and stream lag. use game capture, and if that doesn't work run the game in windowed or windowed borderless mode if you can, and record with window capture. if you record with window, turn aero on. If that doesn't work reply and il see if i can help :)


Community Helper
Re: My in-game fps jumps and it runs rough for league of leg

The best way to stream LoL is to set up 2 scenes. First, keep Aero enabled. Then, in the first scene, have a Window Capture of the LoL client, and in the second scene, have a Game Capture of the actual LoL game (or Window capture if the game is in Windowed or Borderless mode). Then use the Simple Scene Switcher to automatically swap between them: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1785 Avoid Monitor capture altogether, as willl said.