Question / Help Youtube Live stream time lag of 8 secs


New Member
Hello, I have been streaming to youtube for last few months, I get really bad lag while streaming.
I have about 5MB up and 30MB down with time warner cable, I use latest OBS, I do PS3 streaming.....what is the best setting to reduce the lag?


Community Helper
By "Lag" do you mean amount of time between when you do something and when it appears on-stream? Or are you referring to stream/game performance? If it's just the delay on how long it takes before the stream is visible online, then there's not really anything you can do about it.


New Member
dodgepong said:
By "Lag" do you mean amount of time between when you do something and when it appears on-stream? Or are you referring to stream/game performance? If it's just the delay on how long it takes before the stream is visible online, then there's not really anything you can do about it.

Yes I am talking abou "time between when you do something and when it appears on-stream"..So I guess there is not much I can do....Is twitch much better than Youtube when live streaming?


That depends on your definition of better and how much you are willing to tolerate Twitch's quirks. Of which there are quite a few. ;)