Bug Report YouTube Broadcast


New Member
Good afternoon! There was such problem enough long ago already, decided after all to write. The essence of a problem is what after record of translation and in case of the translation on YouTube of video turns out slightly dyorganny, or the picture подлагивает absolutely slightly, it not sidbno is noticeable but if to get accustomed that breakthroughs are noticeable as though FPS is unstable in video, return speed at me 100 Mbit\s, in game in case of translation of 60 fps, in settings of the program costs 4500/4500 kbps, Q10, 192 kbps mp3, Allow 60-120 fps - Yes, Priority - High, preset - Superfast, tried different configurations helps of nothing, one such problem can not at me? ? !


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Unfortunately I didn't understand at all. Someone told me to say this:
Не могу понять твоё сообщение, автоматический перевод плохой, пожалуйста попробуй написать по-другому