Yami Alternative

Yami Alternative 2.0.7


New Member
I noticed that are possible change theme OBS Studio own hands and first version looks very simple, just several solid flat colors for different elements interface program, little later i downloaded theme Kawaii Edition, where i see color gradient for some buttons, therefore decide create other "gradient" version in which were added enough good looking gradients ... What happened next ? I noticed that exist such interesting thing as css, and make small research what are possible do with this. In result now i decide share my work, and not only for this popular tool for streaming and recording, but also for local client Steam and games library. About how was made effect "glassy", it just happened and in result i create new version "glassy" because similar it looks else better than "gradient", like half transparent "glass" with light under surface


New Member
Seems i not fully answered on your question, i change colors for main elements program and also you can notice if look on last 2 images, that blue color for "chat twitch" dock are more light, than blue color for QPushButton, it happened by reason that i try find "best" ratio or proportions shades and transitions color :) Most part colors are dark blue, purple, red and cyan, only few "buttons" are green and yellow, but are possible get for example pink color instead purple if add slightly less blue and little more red
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New Member
or try this css for steam library

/*library left background*/

._1ijTaXJJA5YWl_fW2IxcaT {
background: repeating-linear-gradient(to right,
rgba(90,30,250,1) 0%,
rgba(0,120,250,1) 3%,
rgba(0,40,250,1) 5.0%,
rgba(0,150,250,1) 12.5%);

._1ijTaXJJA5YWl_fW2IxcaT:hover {
background: repeating-linear-gradient(to right,
rgba(120,0,120,1) 0%,
rgba(210,0,210,1) 4.5%,
rgba(120,0,120,1) 6.5%,
rgba(250,0,250,1) 12.5%);

._1ijTaXJJA5YWl_fW2IxcaT:active {
background: repeating-linear-gradient(to right,
rgba(180,0,0,1) 0%,
rgba(250,50,0,1) 6.5%,
rgba(180,0,0,1) 8.5%,
rgba(250,00,0,1) 12.5%);


New Member
It sounds like you’ve created a new resource called "Yami Alternative" that offers a lighter, more colorful theme for those who find dark colors too tiring. That’s a great idea! Bright, cute colors can definitely make a difference in creating a more pleasant and cheerful environment. How did you come up with the design, and what specific colors or elements did you include?

lol chatgpt bot much


New Member
If you want do your profile page in Steam else more clear, just add this in webkit.css
.profile_content {
background: transparent!important;
background-color: #f000d000!important;

.profile_comment_area {
backdrop-filter: blur(2.5px)!important;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 250, 0.5)!important;

.profile_rightcol {
background-color: rgba( 0, 0, 250, 0.5 )!important;
backdrop-filter: blur(2.5px)!important;