Yamaha MG10XU Issues on OBS 27.1.3


New Member

First, please excuse me for my bad english, i'll try my best.

Next, I have some issues with my new setup on audio and especially with my Yamaha MG10XU : my voice jerks and have some lags. First I thought it was my audio filters, but when I uninstall OBS et install it anew, I have the same issues. I think it can't be the device because i use the mixer's feedback and my sound is clear without trouble. I think it's something with OBS because when I want to record on Audacity, I don't have any problem.
The only think that can be the source of it, it's maybe that I don't already have a Windows 10 key, then it's not activate. But more, I have install Virtual Cable to avoid Twitch DMCA. But I already delete the plugin and then I install OBS anew, with no succes.

I don't really know what to do, so I ask you guys if you have an idea. Thanks a lot in advance.

Here is the log files : https://obsproject.com/logs/AauP_asvgRD-dbYy


New Member
I have a little update : when I use my Yamaha MG10XU's driver control panel, I have a message telling me that "Audio interruption due to USB error is detected. Refer to the troubleshooting in the operation manual". Again, it occur only when OBS Studio 27.1.3 is open. I tried to change the buffer Size, but nothing change.
Interruptions also occur when I want to listen a music with YouTube, only when OBs Studio is open.


New Member
i have the same issue. i resolved it for a 5 hour stream. Now i cant figure out what was different. Maybe the bitrate? but every 4 minutes to a T i get a distortion coming through to the mixer of the WHOLE sound output lasting 20 seconds roughly. I can recreate the sound without OBS running. Just using any source of sound spotify app, safari, edge, any program. Also i have had it work fine without OBS and then occur with it only. So hell if i know. any updates?


New Member
i have the same issue. i resolved it for a 5 hour stream. Now i cant figure out what was different. Maybe the bitrate? but every 4 minutes to a T i get a distortion coming through to the mixer of the WHOLE sound output lasting 20 seconds roughly. I can recreate the sound without OBS running. Just using any source of sound spotify app, safari, edge, any program. Also i have had it work fine without OBS and then occur with it only. So hell if i know. any updates?

I have this problem too! did u ever figure it out? or how to fix it?