XY position on screen copy paste.

I have a problem. For certain things in stereoscopy to be right, exact placement is needed. I need to overlay the left layer over the right layer.

I tried to copy the left eye but when I change the new information of the copy left eye to the right eye the original also gets changed to the right eye and when I try changed the right eye back to the left eye the new copy changes to the left eye. There's no way to divorce the left eye in the right eye and keep the positions of both the same.

What is the difference between copy and paste reference and copy and paste duplicate? Shouldn't there also be a copy and paste XY position? I want the cameras to be different on each of the separate sets but the XY position to be exactly the same.

Currently I have to go back and forth and resize and remove and manually compare, and the way these things don't save these options very well I have to do it each time which is a pain in the neck.