Question / Help x264 "SLOWER" and Bitrate ?


Hello: D

I meet a question about OBS OBS I compile myself and I could see a new option 'SLOWER' in the x264 settings, my question is simple, I am currently 'SLOW' in with 815kbps bitrate in 'SLOWER 'I think you can increase the bitrate? if so how much?

Thank you all and OBS AWESOME: D

PS: Sorry for my bad english , used google translation :x

24gb ram : i7 3930k @4.60ghz


Active Member
You can almost always increase the bitrate.

Are you streaming? If so, to whom? if so, what is your maximum upload speed and what is the max bitrate of whoever you're streaming to?

What resolution? What FPS? What content (i.e. which game)? Have you just experimented, done it, and compared before and after? Can you post log files?


Boildown said:
You can almost always increase the bitrate.

Are you streaming? If so, to whom? if so, what is your maximum upload speed and what is the max bitrate of whoever you're streaming to?

What resolution? What FPS? What content (i.e. which game)? Have you just experimented, done it, and compared before and after? Can you post log files?

I live on my YouTube channel, maximum 131 Ko/s upload and The Maximum bitrate "Preset Slow"
I used was to 815kbps, I Stream 1280x720 30 FPS, but I want to go to picture 60 FPS.

I will send you the log files when my tests will be finished;-)


Active Member
Snipy44 said:
I live on my YouTube channel, maximum 131 Kbps upload and The Maximum bitrate "Preset Slow"
I used was to 815kbps, I Stream 1280x720 30 FPS, but I want to go to picture 60 FPS.

I will send you the log files when my tests will be finished;-)

131kbps is barely enough to do audio, let alone video. How can you stream live to YouTube when your bitrate is over 6 times greater than your outbound connection speed?

And don't send your logs to me, post them in code or spoiler brackets here on the forums, you have no guarantee that I'll come back here and respond again, but someone else might.


Active Member
Kharay said:
Ko is standard. Just in a different language. ;) French, iirc. Ko = kByte.

Changing the "en" to "fr" seems to work...

So its kilo-octet per second? So basically the OP has about 1 Mb/s.

I'm not sure the OP can get acceptable quality even if the OP can live stream Slower at 60Hz. That preset is very intense, they'd probably need a dual Xeon to do that at 720p. But I could be wrong, just try it and find out. Post logs too.

The OP also still hasn't said what content they're trying to stream.