Bug Report Wrong Window Sizes Using Windows HiDPI Zoom

Richard Craig

New Member
I searched and couldn't find if this bug was mentioned before, but I'm using Windows on a high DPI screen, so I have the zoom in Windows set to 200% so everything isn't microscopic. The problem is that OBS thinks that the windows being captured is 4x its actual size, and this happens in both Classic and Studio.


  • obs sizing issue.png
    obs sizing issue.png
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Richard Craig

New Member
As I said, this problem exists in both Classic and Studio. Disabling the DPI scaling isn't a huge deal, but Windows gets a little crazy if you don't log out and back in, plus whatever I'm working with is now super tiny as I'm running Windows on my MacBook Pro 15". It's far from ideal, and it doesn't seem like it should be hard to fix if there's a way for the program to poll Windows for the current DPI zoom and adjust window sizes accordingly... then again, I'm no programmer, and I should know better than to ever say something should be an easy fix... I hear devs hate that, lol!