Question / Help Wrong Key

Im a girl and i want to record with Obs but everytime i want to record the key or the Channel is wrong...I dont understand it because im Dutch.....That's the reason i want help so fast as you guys could...Yes writing english is good for a dutch girl bur reading it is a problem...Please help me i will save a Picture of it later..I hope you guys can help me.....



Town drunk
You need to get your stream key from (after you have logged in to Twitch!) and copy/paste that key into OBS under Settings>Broadcast Settings>Play path/stream key (if any)

Also make sure your Streaming Service is set to Twitch, and pick the server closest to you.


Town drunk
Oh, if you don't want to stream anywhere, change the "Mode" setting in Settings>Broadcast setting to "File output only" and then choose a folder and file name for the recording.


Forum Moderator
Heb je de taal van OBS al naar Nederlands gezet? Dat maakt het misschien wat makkelijker in het gebruik.
