Bug Report windows version of OBS x64 crashes


X64 OBS WAS working fine and then just suddenly started to crash. I have tried reinstalling latest version over the original Latest version in case something was corrupted - but it appears nothing was corrupted. Now I am relegated to using the 32bit version as 64bit is useless. It now crashes every time shortly after starting a broadcast stream connection. The 32 bit version seems to still run but would like to reengage the x64 version since the machine has the ram to support it. Seems others are having similar occurrences.


  • obs crash.txt
    50 KB · Views: 27
  • obs log.txt
    6.4 KB · Views: 19


Any Feedback here? It was suggested that the portable x64 OBS version be tried. I tried that version as well and it worked for a time - however, it crashed a few hours later in the same manner as before. It was also suggested that if the portable version was not working either then something in the profile used was causing the crashes. I tend to disagree with that hypothesis since the x86 version runs OK with the exact same profile. You have the log and the crash dump - nothing can be gleaned from either regarding this issue ??