Bug Report Windows Aero Issue for Streaming League of Legends


New Member
When I start streaming with windows aero on it starts ramping up in memory usage until i gets to the point where it gets turned off (Desktop Window Manager). The problem however is that I cannot play LoL when streaming without Aero (when not streaming it is fine) because of extreme choppines in performance (this lag is outside the game, the ingame fps isn't affected and changing the resolution or quality of the stream or graphics ingame doesn't alter the lag), with windows aero on however this lag is pretty much nonexistant. Does anyone know how to either make DWM not leak memory or how to avoid the lag when streaming without aero?

Amd Radeon HD 7870
Intel Core i7 860 2.8GHz
8GB Ram


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Forum Moderator
Do you have the OBS minimized or the preview disabled when this happens?


New Member
How would you get logs?

I didn't have OBS minimized nor the preview of though I found that changing this made no differance.