Bug Report Windows 8 Screen region lag


New Member

I searched if this had been reported but I couldn't find anything so I decided to post something myself.. Windows 8 seems to change how Aero works and it is no longer possible to disable it. This results in a huge impact on the fps you get with screen region. There are multiple threads on XSplit's forum with the same issue. XSplit claims to have a solution in their next release but for now both XSplit and OBS are unusable for most if not all Windows 8 users who wants to stream using screen region.

Do you know about this and if you do, do you have a solution on the horizon?

Thanks for a great piece of software! :)


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Forum Moderator
(edited out, ancient post, already have windows 8 now and this bug no longer occurs)


New Member
hi jim =)

first of all sry for my bad english ;-)

i have a quastion, im using windows 8 and have the same problem.
for me its only possible to stream "lag free" in "screen region mode"
are there any fixes?
did you buy a windows 8?

greetings ;-)


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
This has already been fixed a long time ago, windows 8 capture should now be fast. I have windows 8 now and fixed the problem months ago. If you have lag with it, it could be due to your computer. This is especially true with laptops.


New Member
hi Jim,

i testet a little bit.
OBS is completly smooth in windowed mode (by using gamecapturing)
but its laggy when using fullscrenn (by using gamecapturing)

my driver are the newest.

gtx 660ti
16gb ram
z87 board