Question / Help Windows 7 Monitor Capture Low FPS - Bear with me!


New Member
I've had a read about this, and it's obviously totally pants. However, the issue I'm having isn't standard low FPS.

I have Surround, so my monitor is 6040x1080. Not a great start. I have three sources that are each a reigon that makes up a single screen. When I activate one, my FPS goes down to 20. Perfectly fine for the sake of what I'd be doing.

However, the real issue starts when I disable one and enable another. My FPS goes down to around 7. If I then disable all of them, the FPS stays there.
Essentially, the FPS never recovers, and every time I enable another one it gets worse. The only way to sort it is to restart the stream.

Any ideas? It feels as if the soruce isn't being unloaded or something.

SLI 570s@900/1800/2100


New Member
Aero was the culprit, feel like an absolute dope that I didn't notice that.


Is there any way to make OBS disable it on launch? It's messed up my custom login screen doing this.


heros in an halfshel
There's a "Disable Aero" option in the Video section of the settings, probably what you're looking for. :)


New Member
Perfect, gah I feel like a total idiot for not noticing that.
Well, it is midnight, I must be tired lol.

Thanks for the help, everything is running perfectly now!