Question / Help Windows 10 Update issue or not?


New Member
Hello there all, as I have seen by reading on the forum, it seems that a lot of people are having big issues since the update and I didn't even think about checking here until tonight.

I initially thought it was windows 10 causing the issues as it was no longer detecting my Blue Yeti microphone any more etc. So, I struggled with it and managed to get everything running again last night, at least until I did a test stream. I thought nothing of it at the time, still blaming Windows 10 and stamping off to bed at almost 7am.

I started the stream and all went well, until I tried to check the twitch site to look at the stream. Unable to connect to the site. Then I noticed my deepbot was disconnected too. But still I thought .. WINDOWS 10 Sucks and I reinstalled 8.1 today.

I got everything set up again, then again, as soon as I started OBS, my stream was going well, my partner was viewing the stream on her phone, so the stream was going out. But, again, i was unable to view any websites or see chat on my bot.

Anyone ran into anything like this before or recently? I'm at my wits end.



Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
You cite two different issues: Windows no longer detecting your microphone, and being unable to access websites while streaming.

The latter issue sounds like your DNS resolver is overburdened, so it can't resolve new requests. This usually happens if your DNS resolver is your local router and you're doing something that is either bandwidth intensive (streaming) or uses lots of connections (torrents). Try to access some websites directly by their IP address while streaming (Twitch can currently be reached at, Google can currently be reached at Check your DNS settings to confirm (or disprove) my suspicions. If you don't know how to do this, let me know, and I can walk you through it.

Please also post a complete log of a streaming attempt. To get a complete log file:
  1. Open OBS Studio.
  2. Start streaming.
  3. Wait 30-60 seconds.
  4. Stop streaming.
  5. Upload the current log file (Help Menu > Log Files > Upload Current Log file).
This will allow us to use that to rule out any other issues as well.


New Member
Thanks for the reply, RytoEX

When you mentioned the DNS resolver, I got some hope and worked a bit more on my machine, I dusted off my sysinternals suite and got to work today.

I started the stream and was disappointed to not see very high CPU usage, so I tried accessing the websites again and same as before, I am unable to access them and Deepbot seems to loose connection and I am unable to read chat, though the stream is still going out fine. So I tried using the IP addresses as you mention, but the pages fail to load also.

Here's the log file from a my last test

And again, another with NVENC instead. Again, the stream goes out fine, but while OBS is running, I can't access any websites, my bot chat or anything.
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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Your first log shows that you're dropping frames due to insufficient bandwidth. Your second log only shows a recording attempt.

Have you tried Simple Output Mode instead of advanced output mode? Is there a particular reason you would need Advanced Output Mode? It's probably unrelated, but it does simplify things.

What are your up and down Internet speeds? Try running the Twitch Bandwith Test tool using a Medium Test Duration for your region with a 64k TCP Window Size, and post a screenshot of the results here.

Do you know what your DNS address is set to for you connection?


New Member
The weird thing is, I've used these settings for weeks without any issues. I know it shows dropped frames, but it doesn't effect the stream quality and I am able to stream at 720p with them. Until Monday and the what I presumed to be the windows update.

I used advanced as it allowed me to set CPU usage etc, which allowed me to push the CPU harder, while having the lower bitrate, I've not messed with NVENC until today and since I can use it, perhaps I should be :)

My net speed varies according to time of day, right now it's 25.71Mb/s down and 1.95Mb/s up,


As for DNS, I believe it's set to obtain the DNS address automatically.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
The weird thing is, I've used these settings for weeks without any issues. I know it shows dropped frames, but it doesn't effect the stream quality and I am able to stream at 720p with them. Until Monday and the what I presumed to be the windows update.
Networks are fickle. What works one day may not work the next, notably because you're at the mercy of your ISP and their partners/providers.

Those quality readings are rather abysmal, but that shouldn't produce the issue you're describing. However...
My net speed varies according to time of day, right now it's 25.71Mb/s down and 1.95Mb/s up,
This does. You have 1.95 Mbps up. Your Twitch Test shows your max upstream speed to Twitch as 1872 Kbps. You're trying to stream at 1800 Kbps video and 64 Kbps audio (that's 1864 Kbps just for the stream), plus whatever overhead is introduced by making the streaming connection, plus anything else trying to make outbound connections. You're very likely over-burdening your upstream connection, which will lead to exactly the issues you've described (unable to connect to other sites/services). Try reducing your streaming bitrates, or get a better Internet service plan.


New Member
Thanks for the help, RytoEX, it seems that I just got the windows 10 update and then blamed it, rather than realizing that it was my internet to blame. With so many weeks of streaming at 720p, I had hoped that it wasn't the issue. Back down to a 480p stream for me for now, until I can get out of my contract with my current ISP.

On a plus side, I'm now going to be looking at NCENC and am back on Windows 8.1 again.

Thanks once more.