Question / Help Window capture.


New Member
I recently bought a HDPVR 2 and while I realize that OBS has problems with this I would still like to ask a question. When I window capture CaptureModule the video shows up as a black screen, note that I am not using the HDPVR device I am just window capturing. Am I doing something wrong or is this just a bug with hdpvr?


Community Helper
The same thing happens to me when I window capture RECentral on my live gamer hd to stream ps3 games. I have to use monitor capture to see the window. So might be the same case with you?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
If they're rendered with opengl, then they won't show up with window capture. Quite annoying actually. Game capture might work, though I haven't tested it myself.

What I'd -really- like to do is get the HD PVR working directly with OBS, but I'm going to still be too busy for the next month or two to do so