window capture - remember settings ?


Im using Foobar, and Im doing a window capture of Foobar to get the Equalizer captured.

So my music program foobar window is called "foobar2000 v1.3.8" so go to settings and do window capture and "sub-region" part of the window.

Now when I play a song, it changes title from " foobar2000 v1.3.8 " to " [foobar2000 v1.3.8] " so if I would go into settings on that source to do some tweaking during any song is playing, then when I open up the settings, the program looks for a program with the exact same name, and does not find any, and reset all values.

And yes I have to have a song playing while Im fiddeling with settings to see the EQ moving to make sure the small changes are correct.

Also when foobar makes an update of the program, and changes title from "foobar2000 v1.3.8" to "foobar2000 v2.0" then once again, all settings would be deleted and I have to redo every tweak to all

Is it not possible to make some settings so the program remember all the settings it had before, even if it can not find the correct name ?
I mean if it just remember the settings then I could just change the "target"... but having to redo all the settings for "sub-region" all the time is rather frustrating.

Im aware that it would be nice if Foobar had some option not to change name of program, when playing songs or when they make a new version of it. But Im sure the problem is not only happening in foobar, but in tons of other program that also add there version number in the title of the program.


The Helping Squad
OBS-MP can capture a window through the window class instead of the window title which should work for you. Instead of using a subregion you would crop the source to your needs by adding a crop filter.


OBS-MP can capture a window through the window class instead of the window title which should work for you. Instead of using a subregion you would crop the source to your needs by adding a crop filter.

Is there any way I can move my Scenes with all my Sources to "OBS-MP" ?
Or do I have to remake all from scratch ?