window capture doesnt work with paint tool sai canvases


New Member
i am trying to use window capture for paint tool sai
however the "window" is based off of the name of the application, which changes depending on which canvas i am in, with obs recognizing each canvas as its own new window

this is inconvenient for window capture where i would like to capture the whole of sai, including all canvases as i switch between them, not just the one that i select for window capture
especially since i have set it up so that changing windows will automatically pause the recording
thank you

Suslik V

Active Member
There is Window Match Priority option in the Properties of Window Capture source of OBS (if this helps to you).

Also, you can add more Window Capture sources to OBS scenes and switch between scenes automatically (main menu Tools > Automatic Scene Switcher, it accepts regular expression {}[]()^$.|*+?\ in titles).

As for the pause recording, maybe you will find the next thread useful:


New Member
this part?

it doesnt seem to do anything to fix my problem, unfortunately...
for some reason, the whole thing seems pretty buggy.. ive had to do a lot of deleting and rewriting the settings around window captures and such, since there were a lot of times where it would still pause, even when i was on the canvas that was listed as the source ...if that makes sense
im sure my problems could be solved if i could properly make it so that the sai program is fully captured, but, it doesnt seem to be working just based on window match priority