Will OBS look into using x265?


New Member
x265 has been released not too long ago and by what I understand it's far more efficient than x264. I've been wondering if OBS has any plans to take advantage of x265, or why not if not (I am not sure of it's technical limitations except perhaps compatibility being that it's so new and all.

x265 videos I've watched have better quality in smaller sizes. Seems quite amazing to me. I mean it just seems to me like it should be quite a big deal or something.

Just putting that out there, I'm not a pro on this stuff or anything, haha :)


Forum Admin
x265 isn't fast enough for real-time encoding yet, and no web video players can decode it (there's no support in Flash or HTML5) so its usefulness for streaming isn't very high. As these things improve I'm sure support will be added to OBS.


New Member
Ah okay, I thought it was faster, smaller, and in better quality, but I was wondering "if that's the case, why isn't this being treated as a bigger deal than it is? There MUST be a downside or everyone would be raving about it."

I'm guessing that right now it's only better for pre-encoding videos, achieving a smaller size for the same quality, meaning less download time and less disc-space taken for HD video. KCP runs them just great. Hope it'll make it's way up to real-time though. For now though I'm downloading in x265 whenever possible of the quality is the same or better than x264 encodes. But for now I suppose it's too shiny and new for anything else :P ah well.
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Deleted member 30350

It took x264 several years to mature and if I'm not mistaken, it's still under constant development.
x265, while being around for a while, is still years behind being widespread enough to be used, I think.