Question / Help Will I be able to stream?


New Member
I have decided to finally buy a new pc! I have one question - will I be able to stream, for example, League of Legends.

Here are the stats:

CPU - Intel Core i5-6400 2,7GHz
GPU - Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 3gb MSI
RAM - Fury 8gb
Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-H110M-A


Active Member
Dont get an i5 6400 go with an 6500 instead.

720p30 on Veryfast Preset should be no Problem while playing recent Games


New Member
Dont get an i5 6400 go with an 6500 instead.

720p30 on Veryfast Preset should be no Problem while playing recent Games
Then say me why my friend with fx-6300 and GTX 960 2GB can stream league of legends on high settings with 90 fps no problem?
I think his pc configuration is worse than mine listed above...


Active Member
Then say me why my friend with fx-6300 and GTX 960 2GB can stream league of legends on high settings with 90 fps no problem?
I think his pc configuration is worse than mine listed above...

You can stream 720p30 without a Problem as well.