Question / Help Will i be able to stream?


New Member
Hello guys

i have a 3570k CPU and an old GPU, a 7970.

I can stream with 1700 bitrate 720p games like LoL, CSGO, Hearthstone

When i try to stream WoW, Overwatch and other games, i get really low FPS on the games and on the stream...

I am considering purchasing a GTX 970 for streaming via nvENC and playing the games on ultra settings (1080p120hz)

So my goal is to be able to play 1080p120hz and stream 720p60fps maybe 1080p30fps too....

Do you guys think it will work? Or i will also have to upgrade to 6700k too?


Active Member
i5s tend to run out of gas after 720@30. Even so, 1700kbps is lower than is advised.

WoW and Overwatch are considerably higher motion than LoL/Hearthstone, and will be significantly 'heavier' to encode.
NVENC is a band-aid for people trying to stream from a potato. It delivers poor quality at streaming bitrates, and is only really useful for local recording with low impact.

720@60 starts around 2500kbps, and will cause a LOT of people to buffer. 1080@30 starts at 3000kbps, and will cause even MORE people to buffer. Unless you're a partnered caster, 720p@30fps (or 480p@60fps) is the recommended maximum, as it fits into a 2000kbps bitrate budget optimally.

You'd be much better served getting an i7-6700k or i7-5820k, and cranking down the encoder preset to improve the quality of the encoding, so your stream will look better at reasonable bitrates.


New Member
the higher the kbps the better upload internet i need to have right?

1700 kbps = 1.7mbps upload internet correct?


Active Member
Correct. It's also not advised to use more than half your upstream, to allow for network variance and any game network overhead or other needs.