Question / Help Wii U - Elgato HD 60 - Sound Distortion Problems


New Member
Whenever I stream with my Elgato HD60, every now and then I get really bad sound distortion.

Example: (28:06)

It happens with both Smash4 and Pokken. My setup currently I have the HDMI being sent to from my console to my Elgato, and also another HDMI being sent into my monitor. I have the USB also connected from the Elgato connected to my computer.

This only happens on stream and I don't hear it directly. To be able to hear the game sound via my computer, I either use a direct 3.5mm male to 3.5mm male audio cable from my gamepad into my computers Line in.

In other cases something like Windwaker HD which had split the sound where the stream could hear the game but I could not. I had to use a component cable, into a mixer, which goes to my computers Line it.

Again both worked, I could not hear any sort of distortion but the stream could at times..
The audio sometimes even gets worse than what you hear on the video.

I have no idea what the problem could be or if anyone has any ideas that might be able to fix this problem.
This only happens with the wiiu and and on stream, not any PC games either.

Would it happen to be a hardware, driver, or OBS setting issue?


Note: I JUST check the log file and it seems to have an extremely spammed error message.
I'm assuming this is the issue?

"Audio timestamp for device 'Elgato Game Capture HD' was behind target timestamp by 10"

Near the end it fluctuates from 10-20.

Can anyone help? :c


PC Specs:
CPU: Intel i7 4790k
RAM: Kingston HyperX Fury 16GB 1600
GPU: MSI GTX 970 GAMING w/ Twin Frozr
SSD: Intel 730 Series 240GB

OBS Settings:
Video Encoding: x264
fps: 30
width: 1280, height: 720
preset: veryfast
profile: main
keyint: 60
CBR: yes
CFR: yes
max bitrate: 1250
buffer size: 1250


  • 2016-04-04-0002-03 (Elgato Log File for stream issue).txt
    45.8 KB · Views: 16
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New Member
I am having the EXACT same problem except it also distorts microphone ! I read somewhere it could be my USB port being saturated (AKA too much stuff going thru USB so it bottlenecks) so I bought an external PCIe USB card. We'll see how it goers from there.

If you managed to fix your issue, please share your solution :)

Edit : Also read that lowering your webcam resolution helps. Something along the lines of 1280X720 should be plenty for such a small webcam window.