Question / Help Wich OBS setting should I put?


New Member
Hello, having some bluescreen issue when trying to gamecapture.
How should I set my settings with this computer?
I use x264 encoder to stream.

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
RAM: 16 GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (build 10586), 64-bit
Drive: 2TB

My processor is OC.

If you need more info in order to be able to awnser, ask me, ill be on touch.


Active Member
Assuming you're streaming to Twitch and are not a partnered caster:
720p@30fps, 2000kbps, x264 Veryfast (or lower).


New Member
Yes I stream on twitch, my internet connection 30mb/s download an 10mb/s upload.
By the way, how does the kbps will affect the quality of the image.

I have another question, is it worth upgrating my hardware to i7-6700K for the stream or should I wait until the next i7 coming in Q2 2016 (Broadwell-E family)? I would like, if you can, have a realistic computer setup for streaming on twitch (for the future). Im new and I want to do some good quality streams, Meaning 1080p@60fps.
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Active Member
Unless you are a Partnered caster, streaming to Twitch even at 1080p@30fps is not realistically possible while remaining watchable without buffering, regardless of your computer hardware. It simply requires too much bitrate. 60fps requires roughly twice as much. It isn't going to happen.

Hell, I'm a Partner and have a 1080@60 capable streaming system and I don't do it, as almost no one would be able to watch. I've only bothered twice, and had a significant viewership drop both times.

My advice? Stick with what you have now, and focus on building your community and viewerbase. It will deliver a solid 720@30 stream, probably on the Fast preset, so will look better than the average nonpartner stream.

Spending the extra money at this point (or in the near future) will not give you a significant visual improvement, as you won't have the bitrate available to take advantage of it, and as time goes by more and faster hardware will come out for cheaper. The longer you wait, the more computer you can get for the same dollar amount.