Question / Help Why this kind of input not get triggered by OBS? This is boring.


New Member
I'm using macro keys for start, stop, streaming / recording, but when i select that as a hotkey, and i try to start the streaming, it doesen't nothing.. but, the problem is, on G1 Key i have selected CRTL + SHIFT + ALT + A, on G2 Key i have selected CRTL + SHIFT + ALT + B, G1 Key is for Start streaming and G2 Key is for Stop streaming, but.. they don't works... why? And the strange thing.. if i type G2 before G1 in the same time, the streaming start, if i do vice versa (G1 + G2) it stop the streaming, WTF? hahahah Why it dosen't work like G1 Start, G2 Stop? Becouse i need to type G2 + G1 for start and G1 + G2 and this is boring.


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Active Member
That is outside of OBS, if you can use CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+A manually, a macro key will work too.
Be sure OBS doesn't have focus.


New Member
I'm trying that when the program is opened, i click my G-key from the keyboard named G1, (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+A) it does nothing... i click CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+A and it start the streaming, but i don't wanna click CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+A but G1, and why i can't do this?


Active Member
No idea, but it's not an OBS issue, since OBS clearly responds to CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+A.
I guess your keyboard software doesn't send it correctly?