Question / Help Why is it recording at 62.5fps


New Member
Just a curious question of a mild annoyance. When I look at my local records, that are made while I am streaming, they are exactly 62.500 FPS instead of 60 FPS.

There is no issue, I was just interested why this is occuring and if "exact" 60 fps recordings are possible.


New Member
Well, I'm a speedrunner and I do frame-counting for a living. I also got a timer that shows pretty much was the average time was. I had a run that I timed to 10:01.1 using timing and that framecount was 37571. The only frame count that coincides with that is 62.5 frames per second. If it was 60 frames per second you could simply come to the conclusion it should be more around 36069 frames or so.

Other information is virtual dub that shows a 0.992seconds at frame 62 and 1.008 seconds at frame 63.
So I got evidence to suggest it is indeed recording at 62.5 frames per second.

Could this be how the codec saves the video files rather than something OBS does?


Active Member
The media info frequently says 62.5 instead of 60 for some reason. In the past I had someone count the individual frames in 1 second and they found there were 60, not 62.5.

Never really found a reason for the discrepancy, whether real or just in the media info. There's been other threads on this issue though. If it also occurs in the multiplatform version, then you can probably get it looked at by the devs, but not sure that they'd be willing to solve a problem like this in the old OBS.


New Member
Ok, then I know! Also, as said, it's not a huge hassle as I can just divide the amount of frames of the video with 62.5 instead and get an accurate reading. Thanks for the response.


New Member
I noticed that I only have this problem (and it's actually a problem when you analyze your video with a library like OpenCV) when I record flv files. mp4 and others don't lie about their fps.