white balancing in OBS


New Member
I've connected my iPhone via the elgato app + software as camera in OBS.
I would like to do a white balancing in OBS with my gray card, but I don't know how :-(

My (stupid) idea was to hold the gray card in the camera, open the "white balancing setting" in OBS where I can point to the grey card (similar to the white balancing pen in e.g. paint). If there is such an "white balancing setting" in OBS ... where can I find it? If there is no such setting, how can I do the correct white balancing? ... At my old EOS 550d I can do a photo of the gray card and do the white balancing with it, but I can't do it at the iPhone. And I don't want to use the EOS 550d as a camera in OSB.

Suslik V

Active Member
Right now, in OBS, white balance is possible via the LUTs (OBS filter):
For example, in GIMP 2.8.22 you need to:
drop screenshot of the camera footage into editor's window;
then you doing corrections via main menu Colors -> Levels (by Pick white point dropper tool or else);
then you clicking "triangle" to export levels settings to file;
then you closing your screenshot image and dropping into editor the OBS neutral LUT table (the "original.png" image);
then you opening same dialog window: main menu Colors -> Levels;
then you importing saved earlier levels settings file (via "triangle" icon);
then you clicking OK to finish color changes;
then you exporting as .png this recently modified LUT table (don't forget to give to the file a new name);
you closing GIMP editor without saving changes (because you already exported image to PNG format);
now you can use your new LUT in OBS.

Other solutions is a scripts and plugins (all are bad and LUTs will give you a better experience):

Above solutions suitable for 8-bit sources only (i.e. not HDR).
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