Question / Help Whats Wrong With OBS? SomeBody Please I wanna stream :(


New Member
Okay so I had this mind set to stream all summer as long as possible everyday!
But for awhile now it wont work, The red box at the bottom would go red....
And I would get constant dropped frames. I have no idea on how to fix this problem.
I really just want to stream with no issues :(

Here are my Logs:

My stream where it lags out alot! :

I have 2mb upload
and a download of 39mbs



Active Member
Run a 6MB test at as it is very likely that your constant throughput is significantly lower than your 'rated' throughput. In almost every case, dropped frames indicate a network problem.
You may also want to try switching your Twitch server manually to one close to you, as the global aggregator (which it appears you're using) can have issues at times.

Also bear in mind that if you are playing an online multiplayer game, you will also need to leave some of that constant throughput rate for the game, and throttle your bitrate back even further.


New Member
FerretBomb said:
Run a 6MB test at as it is very likely that your constant throughput is significantly lower than your 'rated' throughput. In almost every case, dropped frames indicate a network problem.
You may also want to try switching your Twitch server manually to one close to you, as the global aggregator (which it appears you're using) can have issues at times.

Also bear in mind that if you are playing an online multiplayer game, you will also need to leave some of that constant throughput rate for the game, and throttle your bitrate back even further.
I did a test is this any good?


Active Member
Which game are you playing? It appears you only have 1.6mbps upstream constant. If you're playing a bandwidth-intensive game, you may need to throttle it back to 1200 if not 1000kbps to make room for the game's network communication.

Before doing that, I'd recommend changing your Twitch server manually in the settings to one close to you. You can download JTVPing here: ... _id=326034
which should give you an idea of which server gives you the lowest ping, OTHER than the global load balancer. Set it to the one that gives you the lowest ping (unless it's Frankfurt, which is a known-problematic server).


New Member
FerretBomb said:
Which game are you playing? It appears you only have 1.6mbps upstream constant. If you're playing a bandwidth-intensive game, you may need to throttle it back to 1200 if not 1000kbps to make room for the game's network communication.

Before doing that, I'd recommend changing your Twitch server manually in the settings to one close to you. You can download JTVPing here: ... _id=326034
which should give you an idea of which server gives you the lowest ping, OTHER than the global load balancer. Set it to the one that gives you the lowest ping (unless it's Frankfurt, which is a known-problematic server).

I play League of Legends!

IDK if thats a high bandwidth intensive game.


New Member
FerretBomb said:
Which game are you playing? It appears you only have 1.6mbps upstream constant. If you're playing a bandwidth-intensive game, you may need to throttle it back to 1200 if not 1000kbps to make room for the game's network communication.

Before doing that, I'd recommend changing your Twitch server manually in the settings to one close to you. You can download JTVPing here: ... _id=326034
which should give you an idea of which server gives you the lowest ping, OTHER than the global load balancer. Set it to the one that gives you the lowest ping (unless it's Frankfurt, which is a known-problematic server).

But still the red box at the bottom goes red and then it begins dropping frames.. :(


So, post a log of the latest session. Did you change the bitrate as FerretBomb suggested? With 1.6 Mb upload I'd keep it at 1250 Kbps max bitrate in OBS. League of Legends does require quite a bit of bandwidth, so, we need to leave a couple of hundred spare just for LoL.

With a connection like yours you really need to stabilize the stream, so I would also suggest switching to CBR instead. So, try CBR 1250 Kbps for a bit and see if the stream stabilizes.


New Member
Kharay said:
So, post a log of the latest session. Did you change the bitrate as FerretBomb suggested? With 1.6 Mb upload I'd keep it at 1250 Kbps max bitrate in OBS. League of Legends does require quite a bit of bandwidth, so, we need to leave a couple of hundred spare just for LoL.

With a connection like yours you really need to stabilize the stream, so I would also suggest switching to CBR instead. So, try CBR 1250 Kbps for a bit and see if the stream stabilizes.


New Member
Kharay said:
So, post a log of the latest session. Did you change the bitrate as FerretBomb suggested? With 1.6 Mb upload I'd keep it at 1250 Kbps max bitrate in OBS. League of Legends does require quite a bit of bandwidth, so, we need to leave a couple of hundred spare just for LoL.

With a connection like yours you really need to stabilize the stream, so I would also suggest switching to CBR instead. So, try CBR 1250 Kbps for a bit and see if the stream stabilizes.

Link to the log :(


Town drunk
Your only options here are to change servers and see if you get a better connection, and/or keep lowering bitrate in 50kbps increments until the frame drops stop.


CBR, 1125 Kbps bitrate, 405 custom buffer size. If that doesn't stabilize it I'm afraid your connection simply doesn't have what it takes.


New Member
Kharay said:
CBR, 1125 Kbps bitrate, 405 custom buffer size. If that doesn't stabilize it I'm afraid your connection simply doesn't have what it takes.

But like i dont understand it worked fine a week ago? but now it isn't