What's the best way to do this?


New Member
I have an app that runs in a Chrome window. I would like to follow up with an event that happens in the app by triggering some UI to show up in OBS. This event can happen multiple times during a users stream and the content of the event will be string that changes.

What I would like to achieve:
Let the users of my app set up their own graphic with a placeholder for a string that my chrome extension will provide. I would like the graphic to be hidden, then when an event happens in my app, send OBS the string value, and display the graphic (perhaps with a slide-in kind of animation. Like a notification.)

- How to I send a string value from my chrome app to OBS?
- How can I allow the user to provide their own content, styled the way they like, but just provide the string data for their element on screen?
- Is a plugin the best way to go about this?

Thank you!
Your Chome app can use the OBS Websocket interface to interact with OBS. Using the websocket interface you can do things including:
  • change scenes (if your user graphics are complete scenes)
  • show or hide sources in a scene (if your user graphics are rendered by a source or sources)
  • change the text value (or other attributes) of a GDI Text source to show your desired string
  • If your "graphics" are literally image files, change the filename in an OBS image source to point at the desired graphic
  • If your "graphics" are html pages, change the URL/filename in an OBS browser source to point at the desired page
Google for API details and examples.


Active Member
There's also the Advanced Scene Switcher plugin, whose author is very active in the Discussion thread and very accommodating:
Try not to abuse it, but it's almost become a way to request just about any automation feature you could want in OBS. Some of what the now-current official release does is because of my requests...