Question / Help What the best options for me?


New Member
Specs are

i7 950
16gb kingston beast ram

download is around 40
upload is around 8mb

I would like 2 profiles set up..

local recording - where i can record HQ and not suffer ingame. - not to worried about size of the file.

and streaming, where i can stream, - lose quality for no performance loss. but still see the game clearly.

the game im looking to steam is Arma 2/3 when fully released. i;'ve been playing with settings for the past week and can't get a happy medium.

Thanks guys


Local Recording: Video: 1000 Kbps, CBR, Custom Buffer Size: 0, Quality 10.
Streaming: Video: CBR, CBR Padding, 2000 Kbps, no custom buffer size

Static (applicable to both): Video: Resolution/Framerate -- You are going to have to make best judgement here yourself, I don't play those titles but a typical good starting point is to set resolution to your monitor's resolution and have a 1.25 downscale using the Lanczos filter. // Advanced: x264 CPU Preset: Faster, CFR

Start with those general settings.


New Member
just tried this
Local Recording: Video: 1000 Kbps, CBR, Custom Buffer Size: 0, Quality 10.

cant change quality to 10 because CBR is on.

it's not to bad but a little choppy sometimes.


Active Member
Use two copies of OBS with the -portable switch added to the shortcut used to launch OBS, as described here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2089

This way you won't have to switch settings around every time you want to do one or the other. If you run a 64-bit version of Windows, you can use the 32-bit install of OBS for one of the setups, the 64-bit version of OBS for the other. Otherwise just copy the files to another folder. Either way you need to make custom shortcuts.

Make sure Constant Frame Rate (CFR) is always on/enabled. For your local recording, check this guide: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2972


New Member
problem is it inter fears with gaming to much? and the quality doesn't look that much better overall?