Question / Help What settings do i need to stream on twitch ?


New Member
Hello guys... Trying to stream on twitch with a "good" quality but i cant find any settings tha fit to what i need.Mostly league of legends and Starcraft 2 but i would love to stream some other "offline" games too . Would love to get from someone with experience the settings i need.Would apreciate any help :)


Pc specs:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.3GHz
8192MB RAM
Windows 8 64-bit
AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
AMD Radeon Graphics Processor
1600 x 1200 (32 bit) (60Hz)
DirectX 11

Btw i know the upload is low but i tried to stream some games yesterday and it worked fine with the ping at 480p.But the quality was realy bad.


Active Member
Yep. Short version, need to upgrade your connection; whether that means a more expensive package, or switching to another ISP. Don't think I'd go over 320p, and even then the quality isn't going to be all that great on anything fast-motion (or with large amounts of full-screen movement, like any FPS, RTS or MOBA). Stuff like Super Meat Boy or Super Crate Box should still be playable in a general-idea sense.
Might also try dropping your framerate to 15-20 to squeeze a little more quality in (at the expense of possibly being a little stuttery).


Yeah you need better connection to stream high action/movement games. Ask your ISP for the upload speed. Some ISPs can make a "custom" plans at reasonable costs. I know some people with higher upload than download who customized their internet plans. Not sure if your ISP would allow custom plans. I assume you have 10/1M plan right now? Getting 10/2 or 10/5 would be really helpful for streaming. Well before asking for custom plan, check if there is preset plans with 2 or higher upload/upstream at reasonable mothly costs. You can also check for other ISPs plans and prices and compare them with your current. What connection type you have? Cable or Fibre or what?

Also little note about the video fps: lowering fps (15-20) you get better image quality but more choppy video. With higher fps (30+) you get more blurry image but more fluid stream. With that connection you want to set it in to something between 15-30. I'd go with 20 or 25.


New Member
Thank you guys for helping me out.Anything i can change in advanced settings to make it better?


Do you use any VOIP features? Like using skype or something? Those will also eat some bandwidth ofc.

Skype as an example (info from their sites):
Calling:.....30kbps / 30kbps.....100kbps / 100kbps


New Member
Nope nothing on.I mean the ping is well but i can see only pixel :D well i will wait until i change provider.