Question / Help What quality balance should I do for 300kb/s


New Member
Hello, in the options, it told me to lower the quality balance if my upload speed is slow, which it is. But I don't what quality balance I should make it for
300 kb/s max bitrate and 300 kbit buffer size.

If anyone could help me, I'd really appreciate it.



depends on your resolution you are streaming at, i would try at 8 and go down to maybe 6 until i'm statisfied!


New Member
Tak0r said:
depends on your resolution you are streaming at, i would try at 8 and go down to maybe 6 until i'm statisfied!
I stream at 1920 x 1080, and sometimes 1600x900.
8 was the default, and the bitrate was 1000, so I don't know really know. :/


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
You should generally try tweaking the settings, make a video, and then repeat doing that until your output looks the way you want. Sometimes it's hard to tell. Quality balance is more for motion, where it tries to focus the encoder. From my experience, higher quality balance favors lower movement, lower favors higher movement


Forum Admin
You're not going to be able to stream 1920x1080 at 300kbps.

You need to find out what your upload speed is and that's what you use for your bitrate.


300 would be way to low indeed I stream at 1920x1200@30 FPS with 3000 bitrate and 1500 buffer, works pretty well


New Member
I'm sorry, I mislead you guys. I'm streaming at 640 x 360, the 360p one, but my screen resolution is 1920 x 1080.
My upload speed is really slow, because New Zealand sucks, so I gotta do 300kb/s.