Bensam.. Listen. Everything is transparent here. The code is completely open source. You want to know EXACTLY what a feature does? It's right there in the code. Don't react negatively just because I don't explain exactly what every single advanced option does. I just.. I just please for the love of god don't do this to me, okay? Don't. I'm begging you. I am literally on my knees begging you. I mean, seriously, I have enough to worry about as it is. I haven't even had the time to update my super out-of-date help file in ages. The thing is ancient from like version 0.32a. The first version.
I mean seriously, please, don't do this to me. Don't do this to us. I understand the option names aren't always named the best, I understand that the app isn't perfect, I understand that we don't actually always document every single one of these advanced features in their entirety or use the best names for them, but we're human. The way I work on things and schedule and prioritize things isn't perfect. The application isn't perfect, probably never will be perfect. Nothing is perfect.
I would love to make it so that no one has to mess with a single option ever and never even needs to have a single worry about these things, or worry about their app crashing, or worry about their device working, but every single god forsaken computer on this planet uses different hardware, different devices, every single one of them having some flaw or another, every app (including my own) having some flaw or another. Every driver having some flaw or another. I try my best to deal with all these situations and have to update this stuff and think about these things all the time. I have literally at least a dozen things I have to work on at any given time, and that doesn't even include major features.
I would love to educate people on all the details about streaming, the details of x264 (which I don't even know myself entirely at all), I try my best to when I can or when they come in to ask questions, and we DO and HAVE answered your questions about these advanced features when you really want to know.
I am not running a company. I am just a guy, who was bored, who loves to code, who made an app that just happened to be at least semi-useful for some people when it's working as intended. So cut us some slack.