Question / Help What does "EOI missing, emulating" mean?


New Member
Hello guys.

I'm just trying to understand these warnings in the log file hoping I could further make my stream better.
I came across this warning "EOI misssing, emulating.. followed by "deprecated pixel format, make sure you did set range correctly"

Anyways, I attached the log file.
Any help will be highly appreciated.


  • 2019-06-27 21-29-44.txt
    36.9 KB · Views: 213


The deprecated pixel format is a warning coming from ffmpeg. Its from OBS making an API call to ffmpeg with a pixel format type that is no longer suggested to be used. Deprecated code is usually still kept in place to avoid breaking applications and to keep backward compatibility. As a user of OBS Studio, you can just ignore it.

The EOI missing, emulated error also seems to be a warning message from ffmpeg. It means you are loading JPEG files that are missing an end of image byte sequence. This could be the result of a corrupted JPEG file or additional data being appended to the file (for who knows what reason). Probably best for you to look at the JPEG files you use and consider their source of origination. Then, after you isolate those that are generating the problem, to convert it with another JPEG exporter.


New Member
Hi Sukiyucky,

I'll try your ideas out.
Your insights has given me a little sense of direction.
Appreciate the time and effort in answering my query.



No problem man.

Looking at your log, there's some things you can do to improve:
- Go update Windows 10. You are using an old build. Windows is currently 1903.
- Turn off Windows 10 Gaming options. Go to Settings | Gaming and look at the left sidebar. Go through each one of them and set all sliders to Off.
- To save a little bit of bandwidth and processing, you can change the audio sample rate in OBS to 44100 rather than 48000. I doubt many people will notice the difference.
- For your GTX 1070, make sure you are running the current drivers. Use GeForce Experience and check every two weeks for updates.
- Change your OBS downscale filter to Lanczos
- Play in 1920x1080 and set OBS base resolution to that. Output in 1280x720 (720p). I don't think you CPU is strong enough to do quality 1080p. Maybe think about upgrading it.
- On your C922, if all you are doing is showing a small portion of yourself in the scene, there's no need to use full 1920x1080 resolution. That will just cause OBS to do more video processing. Turn the resolution down to 640x480 custom.