Question / Help What do each of the Nvenc encoders do?


New Member
Hello there!

Sorry if this has been answered already, I couldn't find it. I also hope this is the correct board to post this in.

Anyways, I was just wondering what each of the Nvenc Encoders do. Ever since the Nvidia Nvenc endcoder released, Nvenc (libx264) is the one I always use. I have noticed there are multiple Nvenc options when it comes to Custom Output (FFmpeg) recordings options. All of them are:

Nvenc (libx264)
Nvenc_h264 (libx264)
h264_nvenc (libx264)
hevc_nvenc (Nvenc_hevc)

If anyone could answer this, that would be great!



Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
nvenc and nvenc_h264 are deprecated names for h264_nvenc, but they all do the same thing (for now) using NVENC to encode video in H.264.

Similarly, nvenc_hevc is the deprecated name for hevc_nvenc, which uses NVENC to encode video in HEVC/H.265.

Being deprecated, FFmpeg may remove the ability to use those names at some point, so it's better to use the newly designated names.

The corresponding commit for FFmpeg where they changed the names in that software is here.