Question / Help What Computer Should I buy


New Member
We have been using OBS at our church to record Services during Covid 19. We have been approved to purchase a computer that can record at OBS's highest capabilities. trying to stay around that 1500 dollar mark.
What is a fair priced computer that is a proven favorite for OBS users? We are currently using a brand new MacBook Air and it gets a little jittery at 720p 30 fps. I am guessing that is because the MBA does not have a GPU and OBS is designed to use a GPU. We are not stuck on any platform, brand, fine with either Mac or Windows. We would also like to move to streaming in the future but currently lack the upload speeds needed from the ISP.


Forum Admin
The new AMD 4000 series laptop CPUs are great for a mobile OBS setup. This system for example would be ideal, it has powerful CPU and also a good GPU for using NVENC, so you could stream and record at different qualities without a problem. Look for anything with a 4000 series CPU and a 1660 Ti or better GPU.



New Member
The new AMD 4000 series laptop CPUs are great for a mobile OBS setup. This system for example would be ideal, it has powerful CPU and also a good GPU for using NVENC, so you could stream and record at different qualities without a problem. Look for anything with a 4000 series CPU and a 1660 Ti or better GPU.

Thank you very much. It looks like OBS really likes the specs found on devices intended for the gaming community. The laptop you specified is well within our price point.


New Member
I can get a discount using my Target card. These two models look like they are robust enough to take advantage of the highest quality picture OBS is capable of in line with my Panasonic AC130 cameras at 1080.p Based on this Nvidia GPU matrix I would be in good shape to use the NVENC hardware encoding. Freeing up some CPU. Am I understanding things correctly. I want to be responsible with the money that has been entrusted to me. These two, added to the one you provided gives me three options to compair. Something I promised I would provide to the church board.