Question / Help Webcam from laptop


New Member
Hello everyone! Recently started streaming and I may have an odd question... Is it possible to use the webcam on my laptop and put it on the stream somehow? I use my T.V. as a monitor and I don't have a portable webcam to connect to the computer. The only webcam I have is connected to my laptop. So to clarify, is it somehow possible to use my laptops webcam and sill use the computer's stream?



The Helping Squad
You will have to find a way to stream the webcam to your computer. For example you make a skype video call and add the webcam with a screen region. Or you use OBS on the laptop to stream the webcam to a local media server (red5/nginx/flashmediaserver). Then you would use the browser plugin to add this stream to OBS on the Computer.
Skype will probably be sufficient though :)