Washed out OBS recordings


New Member
Hey recently I tried to record my sekiro gameplays using obs. I opened the game, then I minimized sekiro and then I launched obs. In the preview window of obs everything looks perfect(the game was minimized), the colours were normal. But when I maximize the game, the game looks fine but the colour of game recordings of obs looks really washed out. I tried ndi plugin to monitor the preview and when the game is minimized the colours were great but when I maximize the game the colours look really washed out. When recording and the game is minimized the colours are great but whenever I maximize the game, the colours of the recordings are automatically becoming washed out. Any help is appreciated.
log file-https://obsproject.com/logs/40sDPrx8H8uGsYfn


  • game footage.pdf
    124.7 KB · Views: 2,710
  • obs footage.pdf
    114.7 KB · Views: 2,121


Active Member
1) In Settings->Advanced, switch back to Partial color range. This is the most common cause of subtle color issues. It should NOT be changed to Full unless you have a complete end-to-end Full RGB production pipeline, and have taken the necessary steps to avoid range-splitting and conversion issues.

2) Disable HDR on your system. OBS cannot handle HDR, and it very commonly results in these kinds of color issues. This is most likely your main problem, given it's changing depending on if the game is fullscreened or not.


New Member
1) In Settings->Advanced, switch back to Partial color range. This is the most common cause of subtle color issues. It should NOT be changed to Full unless you have a complete end-to-end Full RGB production pipeline, and have taken the necessary steps to avoid range-splitting and conversion issues.

2) Disable HDR on your system. OBS cannot handle HDR, and it very commonly results in these kinds of color issues. This is most likely your main problem, given it's changing depending on if the game is fullscreened or not.
thank you very much it solved the problem.