Question / Help Warning encoding taking to long losing frames


New Member
So I've been live streaming for almost a year now with a shitty monitor and I just got a new one 2 days ago. But now when I live stream games like Tf2, Fallout 3, or anything like that I just keep dropping frames non-stop, here are my setting for OBS right now. I really need help everyone tells me I would need to upgrade my computer with this new monitor for live streaming






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Posting a log is always better than posting images of your settings. It takes less time to do as well.

That being said, depending on how many cores your system has, it probably cannot handle 1080p 60fps. Use more downscale, and/or reduce FPS until the problem stops, and adjust bitrate to something acceptable for your new settings.

Best option is to just use the estimator here to give you a decent estimate what settings you should be using for your system and bandwidth.


New Member
I'm a friend, tried to help him....still seems to drop frames. He had x264 cpu preset to ultra, i set it back to veryfast. I even had him try profile on high (Not sure if that was a good idea, ive always used xsplit so i dunno tooo much on obs lol)

Had him set to 1.5 downscale on the reso, had him set to 30 fps. He says this all started after he switched from a monitor around 1440 x 900 in resolution to his current 1920 x 1080 monitor.

Had him test upload, he got 3.6 mbps. Had him set his bit/buffer to 3296 kbps, and he said OBS kept showing anywhere from 1000 kbps to 3800 kbps and it was going from green to yellow to red n he kept getting dropped frames. Tested in both TF2 and Dark Souls. It overall seemed BETTER at points, but swinging weapons/jumping/some menus were still overly laggy/stream freezing. He has a 6800 Radeon and a Intel i5-2500k 3.3 Ghz Quadcore.

Kinda at a loss as to why he's still having issues, I'm streaming with a near in size res size, but more downscaling and a vastly inferior gpu/cpu....and I only really drop frames If I alt tab or have settings a tad bit too high. Wat do.

EDIT: He even tried setting quality balance to 5 between when he posted this and when I helped.


New Member
I guess maybe my outdated knowledge is showing since I've not played wow since mid cata but...with this set up of mine (or one slightly weaker in gpu), I was just bout maxing out wow at 1440 x 900...his cpu/gpu are far superior to my set up, how could he not run wow maxed at 1920? I could understand not running it maxed at 1920 while streaming but...not at all?

On that note, I'm guessing he doesn't want to actually change his games resolution does he do that whole '720p' thing? I know in xsplit I could just output to a different resolution and that would change it but...he's already at 1.5 downscale, which is basically 720p i think since it was 1280 x 720 iirc...

I was also told years ago that if you output to a ratio/resolution different than what your monitor/game is at, it can make things really wonky/laggy/inefficient so....


heros in an halfshel
Your computer won't be able to handle encoding 1920x1080 at 60 frames per second, definitely not while running a game. Either downscale to 1280x720 in the Video settings or try dropping your frame rate to 30.

A bit rate of 1000 Kbps isn't really going to look good for either 1080p30 or 720p60, though, so you will have to adjust that to something more reasonably for the resolution and frame rate.


New Member
He isn't using a bitrate of 1000 kbps. His options are set to 3296 KBPS for bitrate n buffer both.

I also said we already tried downscaling to 1.5....Being a developer, you'd know 1.5 downscale of 1920 x 1280 x 720. We also changed to 30 FPS even at 1280.

If I, with a 5770 phenom II x4 925 2.8 ghz quad, can stream 1680 x 1050 games at 30 fps downscaled to 800 x 500 on xsplit, i see no reason why his setup which is definitely better than mine, cant stream games at 1280 x 720 downscale at 30 fps on OBS which is definitely better for optimization of game stream quality...which is the issue he's currently having.


Active Member
would need new logs if you changed something to see how his system is performing after the changes cause all we can see is 1080p@60fps settings with a 1k bitrate


heros in an halfshel
Eronofaeon: Being a developer, I know that, yes. I also know how to read the logs, and that log indicates nothing of the sort. Like alpinlol said, please assist your friend in finding the latest log rather than having him post some ancient log with settings he doesn't even use anymore.


New Member
He posted an out of date log? -.- Siiigh lol. I'll help him find the most recent one, give us a few.

EDIT - I helped him choose the most recent, apparently he tried a smaller resolution than 1.5, and it still gave issues....

To be clear, his PC never lags in any of his games. At all times he says it is consistent, quality FPS. His OBS, however, has spikes up n down in terms of KBPS listed as well as a consistent climb in dropped frames with spikes/heavy spikes during heavy action/motion.

He also says preview doesnt show any drops/choppiness either, it's only when he actually starts streaming. I would presume that means an issue exists within his KBPS/upload/internet settings?


heros in an halfshel
Yeah, I only see network issues in that log file, no sign of encoder lag. If he has any loss of FPS in games, it is most likely due to monitor capture, which while technically usable with Aero disabled, is still the slowest capture method. I would suggest avoiding using monitor capture unless absolutely necessary in Windows Vista/7.

But well, setting the bit rate to 3200Kbps is really cutting it close if he has 3.6Mbps up. If anything else uses a bit of upload, this can cause dropped frames, and it can also increase ping in online games if there isn't enough bandwidth left over. 2500-3000 is probably a better range to keep it at. Bit rate can also be adjusted while streaming, so it's easy to test what works and what doesn't, even while live.


Active Member
let him try dropping the bitrate at those settings 2000 bitrate should be enough to get a decent looking stream


Active Member
Don't come that close to maxing out your download upload (I said the wrong one). If you're getting yellow and red lights, lower your bitrate and buffer. Try 1500 at 480p. Get something that works fine and then update it up slowly. And post log files after each iteration so you can get critiques.


New Member
(He's not maxing download, only upload....and I mean, if that's the case, why does the estimator tell him to use that KBPS then?)

Will test with lower KBPS and report back. Also wasn't aware he was using screen capture, I'll help him set up source capture or something

EDIT - He does use game source capture, not there's that at least. We're trying at 2560 KBPS, see how that works.
EDIT EDIT - Okay so we're dong 2048 KBPS and it works clearly without any jumps or lag visible to viewers or dropped for him. It's not 720P quality i'd say, but it's definitely in the 520-680 range.
However, he does mention now that playing TF2 while streaming jumps him to 300+ ping, even with the lesser KBPS...and he says he used to stream with his smaller monitor/older settings (AKA 'used to stream TF2 in the past') and never had any real ping issues while streaming.
Is KBPS perhaps a tad bit too high?


Active Member
monitor wouldnt change a thing ... his isp is clearly fucking him up theres no way for such an high ping when he streams with a 2k bitrate if he got 3,6mbit available.

let him do a test on 6mb upload test and chose the closest server obviously


New Member
:::.. Upload Speed Test Result Details ..:::
Upload Connection Speed:: 3882 Kbps or 3.9 Mbps
Upload Speed Test Size:: 6 MB or 6144 kB or 6291456 bytes
Upload Binary File Transfer Speed:: 485 kB/s
Tested At:: Version 13
More Stats::
Test Time:: 2013-12-30 21:33:10 Local Time
Location:: Las Vegas, NV US >> Destination:: Dallas, TX US
1MB Upload in 2.11 Seconds - 1GB Upload in ~36 Minutes - 69X faster than 56K
This test of exactly 6144 kB took 12.964 seconds to complete
Running at 59% of hosts average (Cox Communications
User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36 [!]
His results.


Active Member
Eonofaeon said:
I hate to double post but uh...this is on page 3. I posted the info you said to post...?

The last log file we have shows:
03:51:50: max bitrate: 3296
03:51:50: buffer size: 3296

Clearly the connection can't handle this while also sending game traffic and whatever else he's got going on on his network. Set the bitrate and buffer lower, to something that works flawlessly (even if stream quality isn't what you'd like), then adjust it upwards in small steps until performance is impacted again.

Boildown said:
Don't come that close to maxing out your download upload (I said the wrong one). If you're getting yellow and red lights, lower your bitrate and buffer. Try 1500 at 480p. Get something that works fine and then update it up slowly. And post log files after each iteration so you can get critiques.