Question / Help Wandering Bitrates


New Member
First of all, awesome work on some first rate software, guys. The day I found OBS was the day I let my XSplit license expire and haven't looked back. I haven't even had issues on the old Core 2 Quad with a crappy $30 USB video capture thing I use for streaming oldschool console games.

The issue I'm having is my bitrate seems to "wander" radically while broadcasting. I have my stream (1280x720) set to Constant Bitrate, CBR padding, 2300k/s, no custom buffer.

Whenever I'm watching the bitrate (I guess it is) in the bottom right hand side of the window, it'll fluctuate from ~2100k/s to 2400k/s (which is fine), but sometimes It'll shoot up drastically (I'll see 2.7-3.3mbps in OBS).

Since they've started being a little stricter about quality, when I refresh Twitch to see what it says, sometimes it'll say my average bitrate is anywhere between 2200-2400k/s with peaks of around 3.7-4+mbps).

I don't remember offhand what variance they allow, but is there a setting somewhere I may have missed, could this be related to the CBR padding somehow not being removed when a peak comes along, or is Twitch just crazy? (So far as connection goes, it's entirely conceivable it could be hitting 3.7-4 with no drops/stutters as my upstream is 7mbps).

This is on my main machine (4.5ghz FX-8150, 7970 HD, 16gb RAM using Game Capture and the faster (IIRC) encoding preset) playing Guild Wars 2 which is a very high motion game with lots of volumetric effects and other encoding nightmares so I can see how it might go a couple hundred k/s over the bitrate I chose, but exceeding it by 100-200% seems a bit odd.


Community Helper
CBR doesn't make your bit rate perfectly constant, just more constant than VBR. Bit rate is still allowed to vary some, or else picture quality wouldn't be that great. By enabling CBR you should be fine with Twitch, but it seems their detection system still isn't the best.

If you're really worried about it, you can reduce the amount that your bit rate varies by making your buffer smaller.


New Member
Thanks for the quick reply.
My stream looks awesome (I think) and really only fluctuates between "Excellent" and "Acceptable" (spending most of its time in "Excellent") so I'm not too concerned, just wanted to make sure I didn't miss something somewhere.