Question / Help Voice Teamspeak and OBS


New Member
Hello !

When i record my voice with obs, i have a little background noise ( keyboard noise, xbox controller noise ) and i try every plugins of OBS i can't skip this background noise.

But on Teamspeak, my voice is clear and the background noise is almost inaudible.

Is there a way to record my voice of Teamspeak or record my voice like Teamspeak do ?

Sorry for my bad english..

Eric Stork

Right now, I would say check YouTube. I am still figuring these things out but there are methods on YouTube for this that involve setting up programs including one I saw yesterday where you set up a couple of Teamspeaks plus a Virtual Cable on your computer so the Teamspeak noise modifiers clean things up.


New Member
When you only wanna record, I would prefer to use OBS Studios.. You have much more options to edit your audio track and you also can also use a better noise reduction as in OBS Classic

- rheyces