Voice crackling when too loud, even with compressor


New Member
Okay, so I think I really could need some help.

I wanted to avoid overmodulating, so I watched this video:

I followed all the steps, used all the filters. But sometimes, not always, when I get a little louder the mic sound is crackling. I tried to troubleshoot which filter it would cause, but even with all the filters out it's happening.

Can anyone recommend to me how to use filters correctly? Like "getting rid of overmodulating without causing new problems" kind of correctly?

Thanks in advance,



  • 2025-02-04 15-47-02.txt
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Active Member
How high was OBS's meter *before* you added the filters? If the raw signal is too hot, no filter can fix that.

First make it good with no filters at all. Yes, it'll be quiet, but your goal here is to guarantee that the input *never* clips. Play with the mic gain, not OBS's gain. Also practice your mic technique, because that also affects the required gain.

Then record yourself, take a break, and listen to it. What does it actually NEED, besides an overall volume boost? (you'll do that at the end of the process, not yet)

Run the recording back through OBS and *only* add the *one* filter that you need to fix a *specific* problem. (which means you need to understand what each filter actually does, and not just add them blindly) Once you've fixed that problem, disable the filter and compare. It's amazing how you can fool yourself, so that the raw signal actually sounds better! If that's true, reset and try again. Take as many breaks as you need, throughout this entire process, to let your ears reset too.

Repeat that until you've fixed the worst one to three problems - don't go overboard trying to be "perfect" - then add the "broadcast mastering" at the end to bring it up to full-scale without ever going over, and without being heard as any kind of processing at all.