I've setup a source to disappear after 5 seconds. It works sorta, but not quite like I expected. As written, it does not work when the scene transitions from preview to program (presumably because the source is already active in preview). Nor does it work if the same source is already active in preview or program as part of different scene.
I know I can work-around the latter issue by using distinct sources in every scene, each with it's own visibility timer. But, whew...not sure it's worth the grind. And that doesn't solve the preview-to-program issue.
What I want is to engage the (in)visibility timer anytime a scene containing its designated source is moved to preview or program. So, the timer will engage when the scene goes to preview, transitions to program, or goes directly to program. And it will do so regardless of whether the source is already active in either preview or program.
Is that possible?