Virtual Camera fails to launch in Linux mint 19.3


New Member
I need my camera back. I updated my video driver. I had been using the open source Nouveau driver in Cinnamon Mint 19.2 and after loading the NVIDIA hardware driver and upping the Linux Kernel to 19.3 with GPL support (which I did not have in my 19.2) my virtual camera fails to work. I have repeated the Debian install instructions to no good end. links to a log where I open OBS and then immediately try to enable the virtual camera. The logs show nothing. I don't think the click gets far enough to do anything at all.

What can I do to get the virtual camera working.? My system is up to date and I have everything installed correctly.


New Member
Many hours later:

I would have not made the previous post without trying to reinstall. 4vl2loopback first. When I switched my Linux kernel the previous install broke as kernel headers were different. I removed it and installed 4vl2loopback from source. Nothing else would work.

Follow these instructions exactly.

Do NOT forget to do the command : depmod -a at the end or it won't work. I tried many times to fix v4l2loopback before I went to the github source page. Using the Mint Software Updater or the Semantic package manager won't give you the same love compiling from source will. I am relieved to get my Virtual Cam back. Once you use the Virtual Cam you don't want to go back!