Virtual Cam Filter [Discontinued]

Virtual Cam Filter [Discontinued] 0.0.6


Active Member
Normally the obs virtual camera can only output the final mix, but with this plugin you can output an other scene or source by adding the Virtual Camera filter to the source or scene.
Only 1 thing can output to the virtual camera, so make sure only 1 is active. That can be the final mix or any source or scene.
Thanks for clarifying. I guess I'll have to experiment with it to see in which situations the plugin proves its worth because right now I imagine switching sources or scenes would do the same. Sorry if I'm too dense right now to really appreciate the concept.... ;-)


New Member
Hello, so I replaced the old virtual cam plugin with this new one (just deleted the old .dll and data folder, and added the new ones) however, when I click on the virtual camera filter on my actual DSLR source it says no properties available. Im trying to use it to go through split cam then Snap cam back to OBS.


  • VC filter.PNG
    VC filter.PNG
    101 KB · Views: 732


New Member
So I downloaded this and now whenever I try to change scene collections, OBS crashes. It also crashes anytime I go to close OBS it crashes instead of just closing which is concerning. Also, just to confirm, The old Plugin for Virtual Cam (before it became natively supported) had this functionality right? This plugin just adds it back?


New Member
It looks like a bug.

I want to use my webcam in browser and in OBS same time but It works correctly with this plugin only this way (video with demonstrating):

Immediately after running OBS I Start Virtual Camera -> then create WEBCAM_FULL scene -> then add plugin to the source of webcam for this scene -> then add webcam image to main scheme -> then disable virtual camera -> it works.


New Member
1) Running the OBS first (with already installed the plugin, link above)
2) Start the Virtual Camera
3) Create WEBCAM_FULL scene
4) Add plugin to the source of webcam for this scene
5) Add webcam image to main scheme
6) Check OBS Virtual Camera in browser (it does not work as expected with the plugin)
7) Disable virtual camera
8) Now checks the browser and it works properly. OBS Virtual Camera start serving the specific scheme not now active.


Active Member
Don't use the start and stop virtual camera button, add the filter, disable and enable the filter to start it


New Member
@Exeldro just one question. When I modify the viewport in FULL_CAM scene (for example adds image) then for applications that use the OBS Virtual Camera as video device, nothing changes. But when I use "default" OBSs Virtual Camera (not your plugin) that works.
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