Question / Help View PAL 16:9 correctly


New Member
Hi to all,
I have problems to view a PAL 16:9 signal within OBS in the correct format. Acqusition works fine, and the source sends me a PAL signal in 16:9, the resolution set (automatically) in my acquisition card is 720x576.
When I preview my stream I see the video in 4:3 with a black border on the left and right side. Trying to zoom/center/resize within OBS didn't work, or at least I didn't find the correct settings.
Could you give me some hints what I could try to do to get tis working?

My setup is the following:
HP z420 workstation, NVidia Quadro K600, with monitor set to 1920x1080
Blackmagic Intensity Shuttle USB3.0 with Composite input
OBS latest version, under Settings -> Video I left the standard monitor resolution and downscale by 2.5

Thx to all for any input!


New Member
Yes, it's squished. Indeed (I get the signal from a tv direction) the circle projected by the direction is not round but oval. The Output should simply be something in 16:9 so that the video keeps it's aspect ratio.


Community Helper
I believe that, like NTSC, it's the display's job to stretch the image to 16:9. For example, an NTSC Wii outputting in 16:9 mode outputs at 720x480, which is not 16:9. Instead, the TV does the stretching automatically.

So you will need to stretch it yourself, too. You can do that by pressing the Edit Scene button, holding shift, and dragging the left and right edges of the source.


New Member
dodgepong said:
I believe that, like NTSC, it's the display's job to stretch the image to 16:9. For example, an NTSC Wii outputting in 16:9 mode outputs at 720x480, which is not 16:9. Instead, the TV does the stretching automatically.

So you will need to stretch it yourself, too. You can do that by pressing the Edit Scene button, holding shift, and dragging the left and right edges of the source.

Thx man, you saved my day, it was that easy!