Question / Help Video recorded stutters about 10 sec. at every 10-15 minutes [SOLVED]


I have found a frame stutter between 6:14 and 6:15, only lasting for less then a second. Running and capturing at half the refresh rate (60hz probably) may cause stutter. Turn off game's frame rate limiter and keep v-sync on may fix this, by letting game render at 60fps or the same as the refresh rate.

For stutter-free, OBS-mp video capture really should have buffering "Enabled" as for me fixes stutter for my PS4 recordings. The old OBS with buffer/delay doesn't get rid of stutter for me.

Video adapter grayed out on PBS-mp as maybe it is not implemented yet. For Game Capture in OBS-mp, I don't know what else might be the problem, it might just be not compatible right now.

When using capture card, its best to run game on one computer, and let the other computer capture it and record.


Active Member
Thank you both for replies.
I'm using a single PC dual monitor one is pass-through AVM
Before I purchase the AVM C985 card I read here and I made test records with OBS only and no capture card an no AVM software at all.
Was a significant improvement over the NV Shadowplay, but because was stuttering I bought AVM C985 and now is better except from those 10 seconds 10-15 minutes apart.
Tried running MP as admin, with no change, the video adapter drop-down list selector is grayed and empty in MP despite the log having references to NV GTX 750
In the original OBS the video adapter NV GTX 750 is present in settings and maybe that's why only in the original OBS works the Game Capture.
About buffering, you post make me think if I only tested with it on
Auto vs Disabled I'll try again with Enable just to be sure.

I have experience in haunting software bugs, mostly mine :) , I started coding on Z80 machines decades ago,
15 min. ok > 10 sec. stuttering > 10 min. ok > 10 sec. stuttering > 20 min. ok > so on..
doesn't look like FPS mismatch or compatibility issue, nor overheating, throttling.. maybe.. but I disabled anything I can think of, I even under clock-ed video card. the PC is not OC-ed
the GTX 750 is OC from factory that could explain Shadowplay performances, but again I under clocked the GTX just to be sure.

Any settings I made and was no change I revert it back to the safest one, i.e. tested if under clocking helps, it didn't so I reverted back

My guess is about some buffer, I have the page file disabled (tested with enabled and was the same)
The Win 7 Experience Index at RAM is 7.8 also I disabled the RAMDisk to made more RAM available to the OBS 64 but no changes so I guess is not caused by VM fragmentation or such
I have no latency spikes at all.

Could be some syncing audio-video perhaps but having force desktop audio checked in OBS doesn't seems to help.

Sure, there are other things to test like to get audio via audio-in instead of hdmi or system audio, no audio at all, so on.. but those will take time, because is no rule when the stuttering is, so I have to record then watch so on..

Mybe it will help if I can look t it from the single x264 perspective or such

What can cause that stuttering at minute 17 of that screensaver recording,
Is OBS doubling frames? should be that in log?
I guess the AVM card is not doubling because recording with Recentral doesn't produce that bounch of stuttering 10-15 minutes apart.

Sorry for the long post.

recorded with recentral

recorded before to have AVM card, OBS original, Game Capture

This is what I need from you,
1. Aero enabled by unchecking disable aero and also making sure you are using a windows enabled aero theme. this is more important than you think. Aero disabled will cause OBS to fallback to a non-accelerated capture method and can cause these issues.

2. A logfile (original or OBS MP) from a recording with all RECentral, Rivatuner, and any other capture software closed. Dont have any capture card even in the PC for this. test for at least 5 minutes of full motion, in game footage.

Understand the point of a capture card is to take the load off of a playback source and put it on a encoding PC. In your case, your playback device is the same as your encoding device meaning there is no purpose for your capture card. if there is a problem you are trying to fix, lets fix that problem, not complicate it with a completely unneeded device.

Lastly, change OBS to 48KHz audio format since I bet your sound card is using that format natively anyway.


Problem is solved now, it turns out that all happened because I didn't used the Stream Engine.

I didn't used because:
1) it doesn't work with OBS MP 64 bit and OBS saw C985 directly and it work flawlessly for 10+ minutes
2) due to its name :) as I didn't stream, I just record.

I'll label this as solved but not before I want to thank you all for the help and the kindness to take a slice of your time and use your own experience for help others in need and to the developers as well for making OBS, as I said in first post, it was already working fine just want to solve that mystery of what happen there.

Now with your permission I want to address some of the questions about my setup maybe it will be of some use for others in a alike situation

1) The 750 GTX card is unable to sustain ETS2 game at 60 FPS with my game setting anyway, it can more like 45-50 FPS, could be game engine or smth.. At 45-50 FPS the game play is not smooth (it keeps GPU at 99%) and even if the video capture will work perfectly it will capture a non fluid game and even if somehow the capture will be fluid, the game is not and I cannot enjoy it. that's why the game was at 30FPS through either NV CP, NV inspector or the game itself, as it has sync at half or refresh rate. i.e. 30FPS

2) Due to unreliable performances of NV Shadowplay, and considering that at 30 FPS and smooth play the CPU load (i7-3770) is around 10% so that opens a way to capture on the same machine, even if to see if that can work :)

3) I started with OBS only, could be possible to have it working alone but I ended adding C985 to the setup.

So it works flawlessly with OBS MP 32 bit + AVM C985 and Stream Engine as video capture device.
and I'll add/edit later some hard proofs (read some long videos) after I'll upload them on YT.

In the process of making this working I discovered a issue on OBS MP 32 bit and I'll report that in some other thread

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Active Member
1) The 750 GTX card is unable to sustain ETS2 game at 60 FPS with my game setting anyway, it can more like 45-50 FPS, could be game engine or smth.. At 45-50 FPS the game play is not smooth (it keeps GPU at 99%) and even if the video capture will work perfectly it will capture a non fluid game and even if somehow the capture will be fluid, the game is not and I cannot enjoy it. that's why the game was at 30FPS through either NV CP, NV inspector or the game itself, as it has sync at half or refresh rate. i.e. 30FPS


In the process of making this working I discovered a issue on OBS MP 32 bit and I'll report that in some other thread

And I wont say this again, you are causing your PC to do more work than it should so reducing anything would be a band-aid.

It might be better to mention it here. Then again, this other "issue" if yours might be from you using a useless capture card.


I'm sure you're right, I use my experience gained from around 500 ETS2 videos uploaded on YT recorded with Shadowplay and few with OBS before having the AVM C985
I said that maybe I could have the OBS alone working perfectly.
OTOH could be GTX 750 fault, the PC was upgraded but I keept the 750GTX
So I have to take what is working now and maybe optimize later the setup.

And you guessed right :) the other issue could be strictly related to C985
the issue is that if I try to change the setting of the Stream Engine video capture from OBS 32 bit the OBS stops responding.
But first time worked and I managed to set the the resolution FPS so on just I cannot change it.. but that also could be because OBS MP is in developing.. again the capture works.
two quick videos after I declare it solved



Hey all, I've had this exact issue for a couple of months... ...

I was able to fix it before by disabling the preview in OBSMP and hiding the window, but recently this problem has come back. Every 10 minutes or so, the frame rate is cut in half for about 5 seconds.

I'm not exactly sure this was solved... I'm not using a capture card or anything like that. I'm using a Display Capture in Windows 10. Game capture is horrible and stutters all the time. Display capture is the only available capture method that will capture perfectly smooth (up until around 10 minutes of course)
Does the fix work with capture methods outside of capture cards, and what's a 'stream engine'? (Does this even apply to me?)

Thanks all.


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Stream Engine is useful if you have a capture card from Avermedia.
Looks like is not apply to you.

I started recently to use OBS so I can't suggest you how to fix. Maybe others more experienced will help you.



Active Member
Hey all, I've had this exact issue for a couple of months... ...

I was able to fix it before by disabling the preview in OBSMP and hiding the window, but recently this problem has come back. Every 10 minutes or so, the frame rate is cut in half for about 5 seconds.

I'm not exactly sure this was solved... I'm not using a capture card or anything like that. I'm using a Display Capture in Windows 10. Game capture is horrible and stutters all the time. Display capture is the only available capture method that will capture perfectly smooth (up until around 10 minutes of course)
Does the fix work with capture methods outside of capture cards, and what's a 'stream engine'? (Does this even apply to me?)

Thanks all.
Make a new thread with logfile and someone will take a look. same problem, different reason.